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Not Eating Enough Fibre

Fibre is probably the least thought of nutrient in bodybuilding, yet it is extremely helpful and beneficial to you as a dieting bodybuilder to keep things moving along smoothly and to help your body digest all that extra protein in your diet. This ensures that you get the proper absorption of nutrients from all the food when you are eating six to eight meals a day. If sufficient fibre is not consumed, your body can become toxic and in some extreme cases you can have impactment, which would require medical attention. The best way to get adequate fibre is a combination of fibre supplements along with fibrous vegetables. Fibre also helps to keep you more satiated.

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Eating Junk Food To Increase Calories

There is a reason why it is called junk. The calories are of the lowest quality and filled with fat and sugar. High-fat foods tend to blunt your appetite for hours and you stop eating on schedule and fail to keep a steady flow of aminos heading into your muscles. In order to maximise absorption for optimal mass gain, you need to eat smaller and more frequent meals of quality calories. Five thousand calories in one sitting does not equal 5,000 calories spread throughout the day.

Never eat too much junk food when trying to add muscle mass, because extra fat will be gained. Some junk foods is allowable once a week, but remember “You are what you eat”. So eat healthy, nutritious, low-fat bodybuilding foods.

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Feel Sick After Leg Day?

I don’t consider myself a crazy lifter but even with my basic leg routine – squats, romanians, curls and extensions, I leave the gym feeling sick on leg day. What gives?

Legs are the biggest muscle group we have. In order to fill them up with blood, that blood has to come from somewhere else and that means up top. It takes a lot of blood to fill up the leg area, it takes so much that it can literally make your nauseous. I usually feel nauseous after every leg workout. Do not be afraid of it, you will get past it. It usually takes about a month of two for you to become accustomed to it, but it will never fully go away. It is also a matter of food. With hard leg training, you are burning through your energy stores (glycogen) faster, so your blood sugar can get low rather fast. I get lightheaded no matter what I am eating, so I always try to make sureI have enough fuel in the tank to make it a bit easier. You might try eating a bit more complex carbohydrates the day before training legs to see if that helps.

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When You Are Trying To Gain Size, Does Carb Type Matter?

This issue depends on the person. Some people have to be really careful with the type of carbs they consume, so you need to experiment. Try various simple and complex carb sources and monitor their effect. If you do not monitor your response to carbs, it may be too late by the time you notice a problem. Keep a ledger of what you eat and how much so that you can make changes. Oatmeal, which digests very slowly, works well. A different carb source may work better for you, so you need to experiment and monitor your results. You may also find what works best today won’t be optimal tomorrow. Vigilance is the key to gains in bodybuilding.

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How Many Carbs Per Day Should Be Consumed To Gain Mass?

There is no hard and fast rule dictating how many carbs you need for size, but it is wise to weigh your food. Weight your yams, baked potatoes and oatmeal so that if you are not gaining enough weight, you can add a little. If you are eating a cup of rice with meals and it is not working, you can add ¼ cup per serving and see how your body responds. Some people overcompensate, having 2 cups of rice to speed up their gain, but you are better off making incremental adjustments.