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Best Alternative Exercsies to Prone Incline Rear Delt Cable Raise

Reverse Pec-Deck Flye
On the pec-deck you can isolate the rear delts with similar success. If you do the one-arm version, wrap your non-working arm around the bench to further anchor yourself, so that you can target the rear delt precisely. You can also go from one arm to the other side more easily as you obviously do not have to move the bench around. However, whereas during the cable version constant tension on the rear delt is easy to maintain, a common mistake during the reverse pec-deck flye is to allow the weights to touch down at the start, so keep an inch or so of space between the plates on each new rep.

One-arm Bent-over Cable Lateral Raise
Removing the bench automatically incorporates your core musculature into the equation. The mechanics of the exercise remain the same as you keep your arm slightly bent and do one arm at a time. Opening and closing the angle of your elbow will immediately involve your triceps and remove the emphasis from your rear delt. Your upper body does not have to be perfectly parallel to the floor, but avoid excessive up and down movement of your torso. As always, resist the urge to crane your neck to watch yourself in the mirror as this practice will prove unsafe for your cervical spine.

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Prone Incline Rear Delt Cable Raise

Prone Incline Rear Delt Cable Raise

The prone incline rear delt cable raise targets the rear deltoids.

1) Place an incline bench sideways midway between two cable stations. (Alternatively, you can put the bench about a foot away and work each side separately.)
2) Grasp the D-handles attached the cables with the opposite-side hand and lean your chest against the bench. Your head and neck should clear the top of the bench, and your arms should be slightly bent and hanging straight down toward the floor.
3) Keep your feet on the floor for stability, with your chest up and abs tight.
4) The cables should clear the bench as you complete the move, if they don’t, adjust the bench placement so that they run free of touching it.
5) Keeping your arms slightly bent, raise the cables out to your sides as high as possible.
6) Keep your head neutral and your eyes focused on a few feet in front of you as you hold the peak contraction.
7) Slowly lower the cables back to the start but don’t let the weight stack touch down at the bottom before beginning your net rep. Try stopping the motion when your hands are directly in front of your face. If you are doing one arm at a time, do all sets for one arm before turning the bench around and repeating on the opposite side.

The prone incline rear delt cable raise is a great way to blast the rear delts because of the constant tension the cable provides. You can schedule it early in your routine to pre-exhaust the delts or put it at the end to flush the muscle.

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Shoulder Workout

Shoulder muscles

Here is a workout which focuses on the shoulders:
(Standing or Seated) Overhead Dumbbell Press – 3 sets, 7-8 reps
(Standing or Seated) Dumbbell Lateral Raise – 3 sets, 10-12 reps
Alternating Front Dumbbell Raise – 3 sets, 10-12 reps
(Standing or Seated) Bent-over Lateral Raise – 3 sets, 10-12 reps
Dumbbell Shrug – 3 sets, 12-15 reps