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Most Effective Ab Exercises

The Biomechanics Lab at San Diego State University conducted a study to analyse 13 of the most common ab exercises and then ranked them from best to worst. Exercises included in the study were traditional crunches, modified crunches, partial bodyweight exercises, and exercises using home and gym equipment. Researchers measured activity in the upper and lower rectus abdominis, external obliques, and the rectus femoris. Exercises requiring constant ab stabilisation and body rotation created the most muscle activity in the obliques. The best exercise for working the obliques are the captain’s chair, bicycles and reverse crunch. The best exercise to target the rectus abdominis are the bicycles, captain’s chair and exercise-ball crunches.


Hip Thrusts

Here is an abs exercise and the correct way of performing it:

–          Lie faceup on a flat bench holding onto the sides for balance.

–          Bend your hips about 90 degrees, raising your legs straight in the air.

–          Contract your lower abs to lift your hips and glutes off the bench (the range of motion is just a few inches). Think of pushing your heels into the ceiling.

–          Lower under control and repeat for reps.

Note: The diagram above is a decline bench hip thrust.



–          Sit on the edge of a chair or flat bench leaning backward and extending your feet out in front of you, feet together.

–          Hold on to the sides of the bench for stability.

–          Crunch your lower abs to pull your knees into your chest at the same time as you lean forward slightly, squeezing your abs hard.

–          Kick your feet back out as you lean back slightly and repeat for reps.

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Supported Tuck Crunch

–          Lie on the floor and rest your calves on a flat bench.

–          Your hips and knees should be bent about 90 degrees, thighs perpendicular to the floor. Cup your head with your hands to support it, but don’t pull on your head.

–          Contract your abs to rise up as high as you can and bring your shoulder blades off the floor, squeezing your abs at the top.

–          Lower under control but stop short of allowing your shoulder blades to touch down between reps.

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Decline Bench Crunch

Here is an abs exercise and the correct way of performing it:

–          Set the bench to a moderate decline and sit squarely on the bench, feet secured under the ankle pads.

–          Cross your arms in front of you, hands touching your shoulders (you can increase the level of difficulty by moving your hands behind your head as long as you don’t pull on your head).

–          Go halfway down on the bench; this is your start position.

–          Contract your abs to curl your body up to a point just short of perpendicular to the floor, trying not to pull through your hip flexors.

–          Round your back on the way up to increase abdominal contraction, then lower under control. You should not be resting on the bench in between reps.